company profile |
Company profile |
company structure |
The companies structure includes company Grabmaier
Feinmechanik und Elektronik GmbH
with development and production departments, and company STÖGRA
Antriebstechnik GmbH
working as sales and engineering company.
The products of STÖGRA Antriebstechnik GmbH are also well known
on the market as ZEBOTRONICS
Stepper Motors. From 1974 until 2002 stepper motors and controls were
sold under the name of
ZEBOTRONICS. Since 1990 our stepper motor products are sold also by
STÖGRA Antriebstechnik GmbH,
but since 2003 only by STÖGRA Antriebstechnik GmbH. |
Efficiency in production and sales |
The location of our companies with all departments (development,
production, sales and customer support)
is in Munich in Germany. Because of the concentrated location of all
departments, STÖGRA is always able
to react fast and flexible to all customer demands (e.g. short delivery
time in urgent cases like machine
standstill, customers special technical requirements or solving any
technical problems at the customers
application). |
this is, how we produce ... |
Our stepper motors and controls are standard products,
which we produce in series. Based on this standard
products we realize special products for our customers.
Approx. 50 percent of our products are special made products, e.g.
motors with protection class IP68 and
protected against corrosion, vacuum hard versions, modified motor
shafts, flanges or back covers,
motors with special connectors, and many other special versions.
We supply customers with single applications (e.g. for their internal
production automatisation), and also series
OEM customers (machine producers) with quantities until 1000 axis
per year.
We are components supplier (e.g. for series customers, who need only
motors or only controls) and also
supplier of complete motion systems (motor and complete position control
with fieldbus or free programmable
standalone controls).
Our application engineers support you with the sizing of drives for
your application during the design and
planning phase, they support you during taking into operation the
application, and also afterwards when solving
any problems.
We develop customer specific solutions, tailor made for a more efficient
usage in your applications, or we
choose the optimal components for your appliactions out of our wide
range of standard motors and controls. |